
Problem Oriented Police Team

In March 1995, the Buena Park Police Department established the Problem Oriented Policing Team, also known as P.O.P.  The team is comprised of three officers and one sergeant who specialize in proactive approaches to reducing crime and increasing the quality of life in the Community. They are trained to recognize crimes and anti-social behaviors that signal disorder and Community indifference to criminal opportunist, sometimes called the “broken window theory” by criminologist. Once the crimes or anti-social behaviors are identified, P.O.P. searches for the best restrained and most cost effective method to eliminate or correct the issue.  P.O.P. may use traditional law enforcement methods in reducing the crimes and behaviors.  Many times they coordinate efforts with other cities, county, state, federal government agencies, private businesses and charities to create non-law enforcement solutions in reducing crimes.

The P.O.P. Team also works closely with the City’s Code Enforcement Department.  The joint effort is known as The Neighborhood Improvement Task Force.  It maintains and improves the City's neighborhoods and housing stock through the enforcement of property maintenance and zoning ordinances, building codes, and health and safety code. The division is responsible for proactive property inspections, code enforcement inquiries, citizen complaints, responses, legal proceedings, and the development and implementation of abatement procedures/programs to address problem areas within the City impacted by high crime and property deterioration.  The Neighborhood Improvement Program and Task Force has been successful in identifying and cleaning up many blighted buildings in low and moderate income areas.

POP TeamAnother primary responsibility of the P.O.P. Team are transient related issues throughout the City.  Unfortunately, with the current economic state of the country, and increase in drug use, there is an escalation in transient camps and homeless throughout the City.  P.O.P. works closely with the Orange County Health Department and Behavioral Health (also known as Mental Health); to find alternatives and healthy avenues in combating the homeless issues Citywide.       Contact Numbers:

P.O.P. Team (714) 562-3995 OR (714) 562-3982

City Code Enforcement  (714) 562-3642